Contrary to popular belief, one paint is not suitable for each-and-every material found in this world. All of the products that you find on the market are specifically designed for a single purpose. For example, some feature anti-slip additives, meaning that they can be traversed over with ease. Others are notable for their ability to seep into materials and create a glossy finish. Here at Regal Paint, we have a wealth of experience when it comes to acting as a retailer of first-class floor paints. As such, we will be more than happy to elaborate on which units are best suited for your particular project.
Epoxy – Floor Sealer
Although you may not realise it, some paints are not able to be directly applied to surfaces; were you to use a product onto a material which has not been adequately prepared, you could damage the surface, or simply be left with sub-par results. Thankfully, there is a relatively simple solution to this, in the form of the Epoxy Floor Sealer. Regardless of whether you are working with metal or cement, this paint will ensure that any solvent-based or water-based substances will not compromise the overall finish.
Single Pack – Anti-Slip Paint
In recent years, there has been much focus placed on health and safety, and for good reason. It is therefore unsurprising that many paints have been designed to have slip resistance and anti-slip properties. Case-and-point, Single Pack Anti-Slip Paint has seen its popularity skyrocket in the past decade. Ordinarily, this will be applied within warehouses with concrete floors, and it is easy to see why. With heavy goods being regularly transported across this surface, having a strong, reliable, anti-slip floor coating can have potentially life-saving repercussions.
Epoxy – Garage Paint
Typically, the garage which is adjacent to your home is constructed primarily out of concrete – as such, when the time comes to decorate, you need to consider how best to create a textured finish. One of the first products that you should look into investing is Epoxy Garage Paint. For those of you that didn’t already know, this is a unit that is characterised by its extreme durability. No matter how much ‘foot traffic’ it endures, you will find that abrasion will not leave any lasting impressions, which means you can endure an aesthetically pleasing floor for an extended period.
Single Pack – Prime & Seal
If you have undergone painting and decorating projects in the past, you will be well aware of the importance that primers have. When you paint a surface, wherever it may be, the chances are that you are looking to create a finished article that can stand the test of time. In order to make this a reality, a prudent move may be to acquire a pot of Single Pack Prime & Seal. The way in which this soaks into materials is second-to-none; this allows you to imbue your material, whether it is designed for interior or exterior usage, with resistant properties.
How Can We Be Of Assistance?
Have you been struggling to source anti-slip floor paint which is available at a reasonable price? Do you wish to purchase products from a company that is reputable within the paint-manufacturing industry? Should you conform to either of the aforementioned scenarios, the chances are that the wide-ranging catalogue offered by Regal Paint is just what you have been looking for. To us, it does not matter if you need paint that can be applied to either concrete or wood. Our mission revolves around wholly-satisfying your needs. If you would like to find out more, we suggest getting in touch using any of the methods outlined on the contact page of our website.