Richard Dunn
Buyer: Richard Dunn
Product: Disposable Brushes
Date: 9 Jul 2014
Do what they are supposed to without messing about cleaning them after, have been great for epoxy painting my garage in stages, so needing do paint in stages.
Floor Coatings FAQ Regal Paints FAQs
Floor Painting Issues FAQ
We have listed and explained the most common issues that we have come across over the years. These are industry-wide problems and so are issues that you may have with [...]
Floor Coatings FAQ Regal Paints FAQs
Floor Preparation Advice FAQ
To ensure that you achieve the maximum level of adherence between the paint and the substrate, and therefore a long-lasting finish, how do you prepare a floor for painting? Here [...]
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Single Pack Floor System - Our popular single pack paint system will give you a long-lasting and quality finish to your floor. Here we answer the most commonly asked questions, [...]
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Two-Pack Epoxy Floor Paint - Epoxy is our most hard-wearing and durable floor coating. There are several questions that we are frequently asked by our customer. Here we try to [...]
Floor Coatings FAQ Regal Paints FAQs
Floor Paint Systems FAQ
Floor Paint Systems - Did you know that you need to use a compatible primer and topcoat when painting a floor? Unsure what a floor-paint system is? Our compatible products [...]
Floor Coatings FAQ Regal Paints FAQs
Priming a Floor FAQ
Priming a Floor - You may have many questions about the benefits of priming a floor.Do you really need to use a primer? And Why? We answer those questions for [...]
Plain Wooden Handled Paint Brushes in sizes 1/2", 1", 2", 3"& 4" Ideal for work with resins as handle will not react with solvent based products.